If you are a resident of Cullman County without any health insurance coverage, meet certain income requirements, and are between the ages of 19 and 65 you may be eligible to receive health care services through Good Samaritan Health Clinic.
To become of patient of Good Samaritan Health Clinic, you must be a resident of Cullman County, have two forms of identification, and provide proof of all household income. You must not be covered by Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s or private insurance. All applicants must provide a Medicaid denial letter. Income includes ALL income such as unemployment, alimony, child support, food stamps, disability, social security, SSI, AFDC, retirement, VA benefits, etc. received by everyone in your household. Our income guidelines for 2025 are based on income from 2024 and are as follows:
If you believe you may qualify, it is best to apply for eligibility before you need care. Application packets are available anytime outside of the Clinic entrance at 401 Arnold Street NE Suite A, Cullman AL Completed applications are received from new patients on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 to 11:00 and 1:00 to 3:00, and Friday from 8:00 to 11:00. Once we receive your completed application and no additional information is needed, we can make a determination of your eligibility with 24 to 48 hours. If you qualify, you will be mailed a letter, along with an appointment card if needed, notifying you of your acceptance. Each year between January 1 and February 16, patients must reapply and pay an annual processing fee of only $20. This annual fee gives you access to healthcare services through Good Samaritan including the majority of your medications at no additional cost.
Apply Now“My son passed away; he was in addiction. I threw my medication away and said I’d go out the same way. The whole reality of losing my son was really hard for me; that depression is something serious.” “The Haven (Counseling Services) is what really helped me to get to the point where I could find myself again, to get stable in my mind and in my thinking to do this thing, to live life on life’s terms in a way that I did not have to use a drug or alcohol.” “I’m so thankful today that I was able to have enough sense to pick up and ask for help; because I lost that during the tragic events and bad choices that I made in my life. All of this has been so lifesaving for me in an aspect to where had I not known, had I not found out about Good Samaritan, I might not be alive today.”
I’m the kind of person that has never been one to accept something for basically nothing. And, so I postponed and postponed until it got to the point where I had to do something. They put me in contact with someone to help me get some eye glasses and an organization in Birmingham, so I could get my feet straightened out, so I can walk good. I’m able to motivate more; my grandson and I spend valuable time fishing together. It’s been tough, but they have helped me in more ways than one.
Without being able to come here, my health wouldn’t be good enough to work. My health is better since I’ve been coming here, and I ‘live normal’. It’s been a life saver.